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Primary School

A high achieving multicultural community for learning.


Primary, Middle and High School Curriculum

In the Primary, Middle and High School, we follow an Integrated Thematic Curriculum based on NCERT (National Council of Education Research and Training).

Primary, Middle and High School Curriculum Explained

The Primary, Middle and High School curriculum at NHIS is designed to cater to the natural curiosity that children have at these ages. Students are encouraged to share ideas and experiences, and develop a sense of community and discipline through interactions with nature, people, objects and the environment. Regular projects and activities get students to explore and investigate, consolidate and connect what they learn, ponder over and question, then demonstrate their learning in multiple ways. Teachers play the roles of teachers, facilitators, and guides.

Teaching Methodology:

Interactive teaching methods are an efficient way to connect with a generation of students exposed to consistent stimulation.

The classrooms and bulletin boards in school reflect the learning and participation of the whole class in understanding the topic on hand. The displays are an explosion of ideas, creativity and pride, illustrating discoveries in languages, math and science. Each class sets its own rules for expected behaviour, which is synchronised to the school policies.

Teaching through projects: Our learning and teaching methods adopt a realistic tone and this is achieved by involving the students in projects that reflect real-world issues. This approach prepares children to take responsibility for their own learning and become lifelong learners. It also facilitates sharing of ideas and a strong sense of community.

Extended learning opportunities are provided in the form of field trips.

Physical Education is so planned that there is development of physical capacities, team spirit and an understanding of the rules of various games. Taekwondo is a part of the weekly training that all students undergo.

Inter-house competitions like memory test, spellbee, shloka recitation, film hits, mental math, fancydress, and many others offer a wide array of opportunities for students to hone their talents and develop an interest in extra-curricular areas.

Every day, a period is dedicated to specific activities like Class Assembly, GK Quiz, Drafting articles for the School News Letters and so on.

The school believes in being secular and students can observe various national and religious festivals which are celebrated in school. They are encouraged to develop the values of respect and tolerance.

Assessments: Relevant, formative and continuous, they are based on observations, projects, activities, worksheets, research and presentations, and monthly tests – linked to learning experiences.